Placeholders can be used to insert extra data into your SMS messages.

For Files

Every extra column after the cell number field (which is the first column in your file) can be inserted into your messages by simply adding a placeholder symbol with a number representing each column in your CSV or .xlsx file or contact list. This is very handy if you wish to include customized names and surnames, birthdays, or even account balances for each mobile number in your file.

Insert a placeholder in your SMS text by using the opening curly bracket symbol "{" followed by the column number you wish to insert, such as column "2", and then close the placeholder by using the closing curly bracket "}". The placeholder will look like this: "Hello {2}, how are you?". Our system will automatically identify this symbol in your SMS text, and add the text in column 2 of each line to the SMS message before sending the message out to the corresponding cellphone number of that line.

So, for example, you may have uploaded a file with three lines that look like this:

27821234567, Sam, Peters

27821234568, Kate, Peters

27821234569, Peter, Samuel

You can now create a message and insert the first and last names of these contacts using placeholders.

Say for example: "Hello {2} {3}, how are you?". Each row of data will have the 2nd and 3rd column inserted together and will be sent to each corresponding number.

For each line the message will be:

27821234567 will receive: "Hello Sam Peters, how are you?"

27821234568 will receive: "Hello Kate Peters, how are you?"

27821234569 will receive: "Hello Peter Samuel, how are you?"

Now each mobile number will receive a fully customized message with text featuring their own names. If no text exists in a column for a particular row, then the placeholder is removed and ignored.

For Contact Lists

Placeholders and Contact Lists work in much the same manner as with files. You can simply insert a {1}, and/or {2}, and/or {3}. This will insert the Cell Number (if preferred), the First name, and/or Surname respectively into each outgoing message.

If you need any help using this feature, please do not hesitate to contact commercial support and we will be happy to assist you.